File No. 711.6321/90
Ambassador Penfield to the Secretary of State
Washington, March, 14, 1917.
Sir: The Department has received your No. 2447, of January 30, 1917, in which, with reference to your telegram No. 1668, of January 29, relative to the desire of this Government to abrogate by an exchange of notes certain sections of the Treaties with Austria-Hungary of May 8, 1848 and July 11, 1870, in view of the Act of Congress dated March 4, 1915 and entitled “An Act to promote the welfare of American Seamen”, you enclose a translation of a further note on the subject from the Austro-Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, expressing the desire of the Austro-Hungarian Government to be informed of the reply of the United States to certain questions raised by the Austro-Hungarian note of July 13, 1916, a translation of which was forwarded with your despatch No. 1781, of July 19, 1916.
In this relation you are referred to the Department’s telegram No. 1528, of February 5, 1917.
I am [etc.]