File No. 711.6321/86

Ambassador Penfield to the Secretary of State


1339. Your instructions May 29, 1915, and circular telegram April 1, 1916. Ministry for Foreign Affairs now replies as follows:

According to understanding reached between Imperial Royal Austrian and Royal Hungarian Governments, Imperial and Royal Government of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy according to wish of Government of the United States of America agrees that Article 4 of additional convention of May 8, 1848, and Articles 11 and 12 of Consular Convention of July 11, 1870, between Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the United States of America be repealed by an exchange of notes. However, in view of the fact that American Seamen’s Act of March 4, 1915, encroaches upon Austrian and Hungarian legislation, with simultaneous disregard of axioms of international law, Imperial and Royal Governments must express the certain expectation that Government of the United States of America give Imperial and Royal Governments satisfactory assurances this regard.
