File No. 816.48/35



Your cable July 6, 3 p.m. In earlier telegrams bearing on relief of Salvador I suggested that a supplementary sum be placed at my discretion. It has now become apparent that such a fund of five to ten thousand dollars will alone make possible the immediate and effective use of these supplies. It is needed to cover cost of hauling from Acajutla to San Salvador part of which must be done by oxcart and will be very costly; expenses of labor and material in the putting up of tents and shelter houses and specially in providing floors, kitchens and other sanitary necessities that can hardly be left to the discretion of the natives, and also to give assistance to indigent American citizens.

Even the best drained tents are unsafe for habitation without some sort of flooring during the season of torrential rains. Very little lumber can be secured here for such flooring. I suggest therefore that the following be rushed here:

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Three thousand boards, one by twelve by twelve for flooring and siding, 1,000 one by four by twelve for door and window frames, 1,000 feet tongue and groove four inch ceiling, two by fours necessary for placing these boards, all planed one side, 1,000 cheap cotton blankets, 10 fifty pound kegs white lead, boiled linseed oil sufficient to mix, and brushes to apply same, 20 rolls fine mesh narrow width screen cloth, 600 yards sail cloth for cots, 10 barrels chloride lime or other disinfectant, 3 cases Lifebuoy soap, 6 galvanized iron sinks, 12 water faucets half-inch. If tents sent have no tarpaulins the cotton cloth is needed to make same.

In granting free entry for the first supplies which arrived Acajutla day before yesterday President of the Republic expressed in name of the Government and people of Salvador most cordial thanks. Deep appreciation seems to be greatly felt.
