File No. 816.48/16

Minister Long to the Secretary of State


So complete is the damage to structures in this city that owners now begin to realize the impossibility of makeshift repairs. Lumber is mostly hewn or whipsawn and commands high prices. Walls are constructed lattice-like with uprights of poles or scantlings and horizontal members of canes are used for lathing. They are then filled with mud and covered with adobe and plaster. The termites, or white ants, bore through the wooden frames, especially near the [Page 1220] ground. The adobe and plaster are shaken out of the lattice by the earthquakes and the rotten supports give way, and let the heavy tile roofs come crashing to earth. Rebuilding is thus a necessity in most cases but large amount of money can alone make this possible. Local banks have their capital employed. The wealthy natives are hit by the loss of city property and coffee crops. The Government voted this week a million pesos partially to relieve the pressure.
