File No. F. W. 816.48/9
San Salvador, June 11, 1917, 3 p.m.
Continuation June 11, 2 p.m. Unprecedented demands have been made upon the Salvadorean Government due to earthquakes. Presumably much has been provided to relieve suffering but it is believed that reserves are disposed of as Government day before yesterday accepted fifteen thousand pesos from Salvador Red Cross leaving organization practically without funds.
I think it would be preferable to do initial relief work through natives or foreigners in good standing with the Salvadorean Government and propose upon your approval to tender Salvadorean Red Cross five to ten thousand dollars offered in your telegram under acknowledgment and such supplies as can be donated. Suggest that the American Red Cross place ten thousand dollars subject to my draft with Bloom Brothers, New York, or others so that same may be available immediately upon receipt of reply to this despatch. I will make it my duty to see that this amount along with supplies will go where they will do most good. Upon receipt favorable reply work can be commenced with local lumber which can be replaced by that to come from States in cases where local product cannot be bought. In addition to articles requested above quantities of double width canvas would serve as wall coverings for shelters.
Rain all last night and several hard tremors during this Tuesday morning keep populace under tension.