File No. 419.11C64/30

Minister Price to the Secretary of State

No. 1149

Sir: I have the honor to report that since the new administration came into power I have taken up with the present Secretary of Foreign Affairs a number of the matters pending with Panama, among them those of the riots of February 14, 1915, and of April 2, 1915, hoping for some action in them. Following a conference I sent a formal note, a copy of which is enclosed.

I enclose, also, a copy and translation of the response received to my note mentioned above. The new criminal judge referred to in Señor Garay’s note will take possession of his office, I am informed, within the next day or two. He is Señor Don Ladislao Sosa, who has been Acting Secretary of Public Works in the Cabinet of former President Porras since the resignation of Señor Don Ramon F. Acevedo about two years ago.

I have [etc.]

Wm. Jennings Price
[Inclosure 1]

Minister Price to the Minister of Foreign Affairs

F. O. No. 347

Excellency: I have the honor to make reference to the note from this Legation No. 322 of August 4, 1916, and more particularly to the whole file relating to the unfortunate occurrences happening last year in this city on February 14 and in the City of Colon on April 2, denominated as riots, between American soldiers and Panaman police and civilians, in which one American suffered the loss of his life and many received injuries more or less severe.

I am sure your excellency will accord to this Legation the reasonableness of its conviction that there might be more consideration shown to my Government in the matter of energetic and earnest investigation and prosecution of the guilty ones involved in those deplorable events and in an attempt to satisfy my Government in a settlement, that would remedy as far as possible the wrongs its citizens have suffered at the hands of citizens of your excellency’s Republic and that would be an assurance against repetitions of such things in the future.

I respectfully solicit that your excellency may be good enough to let me have for forwarding to Washington a full and definite response herein and with all promptness possible with your excellency’s convenience.

I take [etc.]

Wm. Jennings Price
[Page 1155]
[Inclosure 2—Translation]

The Minister of Foreign Affairs to Minister Price

No. S–207

Mr. Minister: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your excellency’s polite note No. 347 of the 21st instant, wherein you kindly ask for information regarding the matter of the investigation of the riot occurring on the 14th of February, 1915, in the Cocoa Grove district of this city, and the riot which took place on the 2d of April of the same year in the city of Colon.

In response, I am glad to inform your excellency that both investigations have been ended and are in the hands of the Supreme Court, waiting for their respective decisions, which have not been rendered on account of the new superior judge, recently named for the Supreme Court of Justice, not having taken his seat.

I trust that these decisions will be rendered soon, and I shall then be glad to transmit the texts of same to your excellency.

I value this opportunity [etc.]

Narciso Garay