File No. 812.113/5770

Mr. De Negri to the Secretary of State

My dear Mr. Lansing: I have the honor to address your excellency upon instructions received from the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of my country, to the effect that I solicit special permission from the Government of your excellency, to export from this country to the Republic of Mexico, one million of 30–30 cartridges, and one million seven millimeters, which will be sent via Eagle Pass or Laredo, Texas, for the use of General Murguia, Commander of the Constitutionalist forces in the State of Chihuahua, in an effort to strengthen vigorously the campaign against the remnant bandits in Chihuahua.

I earnestly hope that the Government of your excellency will grant the requested permission, notwithstanding the existing orders of your Government on the embargo of arms and ammunition against my country, as I honestly believe that the motives which forced the Government of your excellency to establish such embargo, have disappeared.

In begging your excellency to give all your high consideration to the permission that in the name of my Government I ask from the Government of your excellency, as well as to the reasons that justify me to take this step, I take pleasure in reiterating [etc.]

R. P. De Negri