File No. 312.115R39/51

Ambassador Fletcher to the Secretary of State

No. 423

Sir: With reference to my telegram No. 383, of August 16, 4 p.m.,2 reporting that I had been informed by the Subsecretary for Foreign Affairs that telegraphic orders had been sent to the authorities in Sonora to suspend all proceedings against the Richardson Construction Company pending further investigation, I have the honor to forward, herewith, copy and translation of a note verbale from the Foreign Office, dated yesterday, confirming the verbal statement made by Mr. Garza Pérez on the 16th instant, and now making the statement that proceedings against the company have been stopped pending the receipt of a report giving the full details of the case so that definite and just action could be taken in the matter.

I have [etc.]

Henry P. Fletcher

The Subsecretary of State, in charge of the Foreign Office, to Ambassador Fletcher

The Subsecretary for Foreign Affairs, in charge of the office, presents his compliments to his excellency, Mr. Henry P. Fletcher, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for the United States of America, and has the honor to say, referring to previous correspondence on the subject, that by reason of special instructions given by the Central Government to the Governor of the State of Sonora proceedings against the Richardson Construction Company have been suspended until full particulars in the matter have been received so that definite and just action can be taken in the case.

The Subsecretary for Foreign Affairs takes pleasure [etc.]

  1. Not printed.