File No. 812.6363/269
Ambassador Fletcher
to the Secretary of State
No. 28
American Embassy,
Mexico City,
March 21, 1917.
Sir: With reference to the Department’s
telegraphic instruction No. 635 of January 27, 1 p.m. relative to the
situation of the American oil companies in the vicinity of Tuxpam, upon
which telegram Mr. Parker made representations to the Minister for
Foreign Affairs of the de facto Government of
Mexico, I have the honor to transmit herewith a translation of the note
which I have received in reply to the above-mentioned
I have [etc.]
The Minister for Foreign
Affairs to Ambassador Fletcher
Ministry for Foreign Affairs,
Mexico City,
March 12, 1917.
Mr. Ambassador: With reference to the note
of January 29 last, addressed to this Ministry by Mr. Charles B.
Parker, I have the honor to inform your excellency that having
requested a report from the military commander at Tuxpam
[Page 1065]
with respect to the
matter of the demands for large sums of money made on American oil
companies in that region by bandits under the command of an
individual named Manuel Pelaez, and that the military authorities
have threatened the properties of the said companies and the
managers thereof in case proof was obtained that such payments were
being made, the military commander above referred to informs this
Ministry in a dispatch of February 26 last that in effect it has
come to its knowledge that the companies mentioned furnished the
bandits referred to, not only with money, but with arms and
At the same time the aforementioned official states that foreigners
have not been mistreated nor threatened in any way, nor have their
properties been molested but that, on the contrary, all courtesies
have been given them.
I avail [etc.]