File No. 812.011/22

Mr. Parker, representing American interests, to the Secretary of State


661. Department’s 638, January 27, 5 p.m. Section 10 of Article 27 of Fomento’s initiative reads as follows:

The nation reserves the dominion of all minerals that in veins, stratums, masses or beds of whatever form constitute a deposit of such nature distinct from the components of the soil, minerals or substances shall always be inalienable and imprescriptible and can only be exploited by individuals, civil or commercial societies constituted in conformity with the Mexican laws by means of concessions under federal jurisdiction and under the conditions fixed by the corresponding laws. The minerals and substances that require concession for the purpose of extracting the metals and metalloids utilized in the industries are platinum, gold, silver, copper, iron, cobalt, nickel, magnesium, lead, quicksilver, tin, chromium, antimony, zinc, bismuth, magnesia, sulphur, arsenic, tellurium, strontium, barium and all rare metals, the beds of precious stones, of rock-salt and the salts formed by sea water, the products derived from the decomposition of rocks such as asbestos, amianto, talcum when they take form of vein stratums or pockets and their exploitation necessitates subterraneous works, the phosphates susceptible to use as fertilizers either in their natural state or by means of chemical processes, the coal or any other solid combustible which appears in veins, stratums or masses of any form whatsoever, the petroleum or any other hydrogenous carbide, solid or gaseous, which flows from the surface or is found in the subsoil and the waters taken from the mines.

This morning press contains text of the committee report in Congress on this section. So far as I can see the committee report does not materially change Fomento’s initiative.
