File No. 882.51/749
The Acting Secretary of State to the French Ambassador
Washington, July 9, 1917.
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of June 25, 1917, in which you inform me that, by reason of the German Receiver’s early departure from Liberia and with a view to allaying the apparent concern of the American Receiver General, the Government of the Republic, the British Government concurring, suggests that if, contrary to present expectations, difficulties Should arise among the three Receivers remaining in Liberia, they be adjusted through the diplomatic channel, which mode of procedure would make it unnecessary to designate a new receiver of neutral or allied nationality and at the same time afford every guaranty to the Governments concerned. You ask to be advised whether this Government is disposed to take favorable action on your Government’s suggestion.
In reply I have the honor to say that the proposal which your Government makes is entirely agreeable to this Government.
Accept [etc.]