File No. 861.48/120c

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Gerard)


3034. On account of extreme urgency and disconcerting press reports on prospects of negotiations in Berlin, please report on German attitude toward Polish relief situation for our information before discussing matter with German Government.

Rockefeller Foundation’s pledge of $1,000,000 is probably only relatively small indication of what American public will be disposed to do when details of situation are authentically published, provided it can be shown that food can actually be imported under international agreement through neutral organization managed by Hoover and comparable in efficiency and integrity with relief organization in Belgium. Large number of relief organizations here are ready to raise money to supplement German contributions. Breakdown of relief plan through inability of powers concerned to agree on details would be calamity both because of continued starvation of Polish people and because of unfavorable effect on American popular sentiment if humanitarian impulses of American public should be thwarted [Page 896] through unyielding attitude of either party on subordinate details that are naturally regarded as of minor importance as compared with saving millions of lives. On the other hand, impression created in American public that Germany is magnanimously yielding minor points in order to cooperate with America in vast humanitarian undertaking would have very favorable effect on sentiment here.

For your information we understand that Walcott was urged by Germans while in Berlin early February to visit Serbia for purposes of investigation and relief, but apparently Germans did not secure necessary consent from Austrian Government. This seems to indicate a desire on part of German Government at that time to help the civil population Serbia which apparently only important additional condition imposed by England.

Has way been opened through American Consul General Lay for Poles in America to communicate with and send money to relatives and friends in Poland? If so cable full instructions.
