File No. 861.48/120a

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Gerard)1


3031. For your information. Rockefeller Foundation has to-day sent following cable to Warwick Greene, Director War Relief Commission, Stockholm:

Following resolution unanimously passed yesterday:

Resolved that $1,000,000 be appropriated for relief in Poland, Serbia, Montenegro, and Albania, to be expended in such amount and in such manner as the executive committee may determine, when arrangements satisfactory to the committee have been made for its effective use.

Above confirms our 10. You are expected to cable us when international agreement permitting importation relief supplies Poland is consummated to your satisfaction, and that of parties concerned, reciting terms and conditions, and recommending specific application of our funds as basis for action by executive committee. Upon final consummation of plans for importation of relief supplies, considerable funds raised in the United States will become available for specific relief purposes, such as clothing and agricultural implements to be consigned to Hoover commission. Detailed advice on these points for American public will be useful. Keep us fully advised, progress and prospects.

  1. The same to the Ambassador in Great Britain, No. 3366.