File No. 763.72111/4180
The Minister in Norway (Schmedeman) to the Secretary of State
[Received 4.10 p. m.]
94. My telegram No. 93.1 Ministry for Foreign Affairs has given me in strict confidence copy of German note of October 20, regarding Norwegian decree relative to entry of submarine boats into Norwegian waters. A summary of the note which refers to decree as of October 20 and not of 13, as reported in my despatches follows:
Decree is declared to be inconsistent with principles of international law confirmed in the preamble of Hague neutrality convention according to which neutrals may not change rules existing at the time of declaration of neutrality except for the protection of its own rights. Such rights are said to have been violated only by ordinary war vessels of Germany’s enemies, but not by submarines of either belligerent.
Principle of international law against the establishment of neutrality rules to the detriment of one belligerent is also stated to be violated by the decree, since it is obviously aimed at German submarine boats alone and openly admitted to be a counter measure against their legitimate cruiser warfare. Norway is charged with being the only neutral power that has complied with England’s demand for special restrictions against German submarines.
Decree is also described as contrary to neutrality on account of special restrictions on merchant submarine boats which only Germany possesses, and the measure is branded as only the result of English pressure.
German note concluded by entering emphatic protest against decree and expressing certain expectation that decree will be annulled after renewed consideration.
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