File No. 763.72/2988a

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Page)


3986. Statement by Admiral Benson, Chief of Operations of the Navy, and at present Acting Secretary, appeared in the press this morning, regarding operations of U–53, as follows:

[Page 783]

The response of the United States destroyers to the SOS call was simply in compliance with the well-known and time-honored custom that has ever characterized seamen in responding to the call of seafaring people.

A careful study of the reports made by each and all of the commanders of the destroyers and of the commander of the destroyer force shows clearly that no rules or regulations governing neutrality were violated, and that every possible comfort was afforded to those who came aboard the American ships.

It may be added that the first distress calls came from the British steamer West Point, whereupon the senior officer afloat at Newport ordered all destroyers to sea, the first sailing at 1 p. m. Sunday, followed shortly by others, 17 in all. Later in the afternoon, the British steamer Stephano wirelessed to “American destroyers” for assistance off Nantucket Lightship as follows: “We are being torpedoed. Have 47 American passengers on board. Will you take them?”

Notwithstanding newspaper reports, State Department has not in its possession all the information which it desires regarding the operations of U–53. When I have obtained all the facts, I will consider whether or not it is advisable to make a statement in regard to American destroyer’s being withdrawn as reported.
