File No. 881.00/628
The French Ambassador to the Secretary of State
Washington, August 26, 1916.
My dear Mr. Secretary: Confirming the information which I gave you verbally on the 22d inst, I beg to state that my Government, whom I had apprised of the preference of the Department of State for the arrangement concerning the abrogation of capitulations in Morocco having the form of a treaty instead of being called a declaration, have answered me that they have no objection.
In accordance also with Mr. Polk’s suggestion, an addition to the text which I had submitted to him will provide for an exchange of ratifications, and the preamble will be so worded as to recall the fact that I am empowered to act on behalf of both the President of the French Republic and of the Sultan of Morocco. The text would therefore begin thus:
The President of the French Republic acting in his own name, as well as in that of His Majesty the Sultan of Morocco, in accordance with Art. 6 of the Franco-Moroccan Treaty of March 30, 1912, and the President of the United States, etc.
This is (with the addition, however, of a direct reference to the treaty), the same formula as was used for Tunis in 1904. As for the Treaty of 1912 I notified its text to one of your predecessors on the 8th of January 1913.
Believe me [etc.]
P. S.—I scarcely need say that I should be most happy if the preparation of the treaty would be proceded with as soon as convenient.