File No. 763.72111/263
The Acting Secretary of State to the Austro-Hungarian Ambassador (Dumba)
Washington, October 13, 1914.
No. 118]
Excellency: Referring to your telegram of the 9th ultimo, in regard to the public appeal made by a Servian in Chicago for contributions to the Servian war fund, I have now the honor to inform you of the receipt of a letter from the Department of Justice, to which the contents of your telegram were communicated on September 10 last, stating that, after careful consideration by that department, nothing is found in the facts which constitutes any violation of the neutrality laws of the United States or any other penal law.
The letter from the Department of Justice appears to have reference solely to the contents of your telegram of September 9, and not to the subsequent notes on the subject which you addressed to the department and which were communicated by it to the Attorney General.1 Upon receipt of the Attorney General’s reply as to the statements made in those notes, you will at once be informed thereof.
Accept [etc.]