File No. 763.72/81

The Chargé d’Affaires in Russia (Wilson) to the Secretary of State


In case of need am I authorized to draw for funds to assist Americans to leave Russia? If so, how and amount? Many have only tourists’ checks which they find difficulty in cashing. Does German [Page 36] Government expect me to assist financially needy Germans wishing to leave? If so, must be furnished with funds. Ambassador left none, not even to pay employees remaining. Neither private nor Embassy funds sufficient to make advances. Duma, Council of the Empire, summoned for 8th instant. Grand Duke Nicholas appointed commander in chief. Consul at Batum telegraphs all messages in cipher forbidden. General enthusiasm for war his district large. Banks refuse to buy foreign drafts. He has been confidentially advised that all civilians including consuls may be notified to leave Batum. Business stopped.
