File No. 011.479/43a

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Page)


513. Department informed that Rosenthal Brothers, manufacturers, Columbus, Ohio, have made extensive purchases wool skins and lambskins in Australia prior to embargo on shipment such articles, and that English and O’Brien, Boston, are owners 600 bales wool purchased through Australian agent, prior to embargo. Both firms [Page 424] give assurances goods are intended solely for use in this country and are willing to furnish any possible guarantees goods will not be reexported. Through consular representatives in Australia, Department endeavored to ascertain if goods could not be forwarded and is now informed that permission for shipment must be obtained from authorities at London. In view of representations of American purchasers, as to urgent need of goods in their business and in view of the fact that purchases were made prior to embargo, you may inquire of British Government if shipments of goods in question can be permitted. It seems possible embargo does not apply to goods purchased before it went into effect.
