File No. 611.416/7

Representative Julius Kahn to the Office of Foreign Trade Advisers

Dear Sirs: Confirming telephone conversation had with your office this morning relative to the embargo placed on Australian meats by the Australian government, would state that I received a telegram this morning which reads as follows:

Government of Australia has placed embargo upon shipments of Australian meats to this country. This will work a hardship on Pacific Coast owing to fact immense quantities handled here will seriously affect business interests in this city.1 Acting Secretary of State Robert Lansing has correspondence bearing on this case. Use your best efforts to have Australian Government revoke this order. All big packing houses and cold storage concerns on this coast deeply interested. This merchandise is for Pacific Coast consumption only and principally to fill United States Army and Navy contracts.

I will greatly appreciate it if you will look into this matter and advise me what, if anything, can be done in the premises.

Yours very truly,

Julius Kahn
  1. San Francisco.