The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Gerard)


448. Your October 14. This Government cannot legally make the guarantee demanded. Importers here will execute bond against reexportation. Give assurances of American Government none will be reexported from United States and Mexico and that everything possible will be done to send cotton and wool to Germany. Foreign Trade Adviser been in New York all week for purpose securing cotton for shipment to Germany and Stephen M. Weld and Company are arranging for shipment of initial cargo of 8,500 bales from New York or Galveston. About two weeks required to assemble cargo. German Ambassador has cabled his Government advising that goods be allowed to be sent on Matanzas. Foreign Trade Bureau, State Department, working in conjunction with German Embassy here in effort to facilitate shipment of cotton. Department advised by American Minister Netherlands cotton shipped to Holland in transit to Germany not forbidden.
