File No. 763.72112/328
The Ambassador in Great Britain (Page) to the Secretary of State
London, November 6, 1914.
[Received November 7, 8 a.m.]
1005. Your 455, November 3. Sir Edward Grey has given me memoranda of an agreement that he is negotiating with utmost rapidity with the Governments of all neutral countries bordering on Germany and Austria for the regulation of neutral commerce. These agreements have two purposes: First, the prevention of contraband and conditional contraband from reaching enemy countries through neutral countries; and second, the subjecting of all bona fide neutral commerce to the least possible trouble or delay, in fact to open the way for its free movement. These neutral governments contiguous to enemy countries are to agree that contraband and conditional contraband shall not be exported. They must be consigned either to the neutral government or to bona fide responsible firms in neutral country who will guarantee domestic use and no, corresponding exportation of articles which the imported contraband may take place of. No shipment consigned in blank or to shipper will be admitted. On such guarantee by neutral governments bona fide commerce between neutral countries will proceed without detention. These negotiations are now in hopeful progress. On the foregoing principle imports into Switzerland through Italy will be dealt with.
I have had and will have conferences with the Swiss Minister and all other neutral ministers and will report progress of negotiations.