File No. 300.115/725

The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in the Netherlands (Van Dyke)


39. Your telegram No 44 is not understood by Department. What is meant by statement, Netherlands Government will receive oil cakes as consigned? Does it relate to single shipment referred to in Department’s telegram No. 33, October 9, or is Netherlands Government willing to have oil cakes which any shipper may desire to send to Holland, as well as other articles, consigned to the Government so that the steamship line will accept such shipments? Must goods, in order to be received by Holland-America Line, first be consigned to Government, and secondly, not be intended for exportation from the Netherlands? Department desires a full and concise reply to its telegram of October 9. Report at once by telegraph.

American cotton shippers are desirous of promptly ascertaining whether Netherlands authorities would prevent exportation of cotton shipped to Holland and destined for Germany. Investigate this matter and report by telegraph.
