The British Ambassador ( Spring Rice) to the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs ( Grey)


Declaration of London. My telegram No. —. Following is result of conversation with Counsellor of State Department:

The enquiry made by the U. S. G. [United States Government] of the belligerents early in August in regard to adoption of Declaration of London was made in hope of reducing causes of controversy in present war. Germany and Austria agreed on condition that the others did also. Consequently it is very important that allies should agree.

If G. B. [Great Britain] after accepting declaration without change added under Articles 23 and 25 to the list of absolute and conditional contraband, she would gain what appears to be her chief object while only using powers conferred in the declaration. It is true Article 23 uses words, “exclusively used for war,” but this cannot be literally interpreted, e. g., case of dynamite sticks. In interpreting this expression there must be taken into consideration methods of warfare, destination and conditions existing at time of the additions.

Do not the powers under Articles 23 and 25 furnish sufficient means to protect British interests without modifying declaration at all? Articles 2, 4, and 6 of the O. in C. [order in council] seem hardly important enough to justify sacrifice of principle of unanimous agreement. For if G. B. [Great Britain] and her allies issue order accepting Declaration of London, Germany and Austria are bound to do the same.

I presume embargo of the export of certain articles could be arranged separately with certain countries under a threat of taking [Page 243] other measures, on the principle that, e. g., Holland cannot allow her territory to become the base for military operations.

I have little doubt that the acceptance by G. B. [Great Britain] of the declaration without modification for this war only for reasons stated in first para[graph] would be taken as satisfactory solution of the present difficulty and create widespread satisfaction.

[File copy not signed]