File No. 763.72112/138
The Ambassador in Great Britain ( Page) to the Secretary of State
London, September 30, 1914.
[Received 7:50 p.m.]
Following proclamation regarding contraband of war has been received from the Foreign Office: By the King—A Proclamation specifying certain additional articles which are to be treated as contraband of war
George R. I.
Whereas on the 4th day of August last, we did issue our Royal Proclamation specifying the articles which it was our intention to treat as contraband of war during the war between us and the German Emperor;
And whereas on the 12th day of August last we did by our Royal Proclamation of that date extend our Proclamation aforementioned to the war between us and the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary;
And whereas by an Order in Council of the 20th day of August, 1914, it was ordered that during the present hostilities the convention known as the Declaration of London should, subject to certain additions and modifications therein specified, be adopted and put in force as if the same had been ratified by us;
And whereas it is desirable to add to the list of articles to be treated as contraband of war during the present war;
And whereas it is expedient to introduce certain further modifications in the Declaration of London as adopted and put into force:
Now, therefore, we do hereby declare, by and with the advice of our Privy Council, that during the continuance of the war, or until we do give further public notice, the articles enumerated in the schedule hereto will, notwithstanding anything contained in Article 28 of the Declaration of London, be treated as conditional contraband.1
Copper, unwrought | Magnetic iron ore |
Lead, pig, sheet, or pipe | Rubber |
Glycerine | Hides and skins, raw or rough tanned (but not including dressed leather) |
Ferrochrome | |
Haematite iron ore |
Given at our Court at Buckingham Palace, this 21st day September, in the year of our Lord 1914, etc., etc.
- Notice of similar additions by the French Government was received on October 5 in a telegram from the Consul General in Paris (File No. 763.72112/144)↩