File No. 763.72/10

The Austro-Hungarian Ambassador ( Dumba ) to the Secretary of State


No. 178/res.]

Excellency: In continuation of my note No. 171/res. of July 24, I have the honor by direction of my Government most respectfully to make to your excellency the following communication.

[Page 18]

The answer of the Royal Servian Government to the Imperial and Royal Government’s note is unsatisfactory. The Imperial and Royal Envoy at Belgrade thereupon declared the diplomatic relations to be broken off and left the city of Belgrade with the staff of the Legation. The Royal Servian Government is said to have ordered the mobilization of the Servian Army as early as 3 p.m. of July 25.

For our part the partial mobilization of the armed force was ordered.

Accept [etc.]

C. Dumba