File No. 763.72/326
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Page)
Washington, August 11, 1914, 4 p.m.
Your No. 323, August 11, 2 a.m. The suggestions to which you refer were discussed by Lansing with Barclay. Lansing explained [Page 167] to Barclay that they were personal and not the subject of an official or even an informal communication for his Government. Barclay later informed Lansing that he had telegraphed Sir Edward Grey in regard to the subject but had done so personally and confidentially. . . .
The statement made to you by Sir Edward Grey is most gratifying to this Government as it accords with its desire to preserve the status quo in China.
The Department is in the most confidential and informal manner sounding certain of the other powers interested in China as to their views about preserving the status quo. As soon as they have indicated their attitude you will be fully advised.