File No. 763.72/229

The Chargé d’Affaires in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State


The German Chargé d’Affaires informs me that at the time of Russia’s preoccupation with the Balkan situation two years ago Japan took the opportunity to conclude a convention by which Russia in the event of becoming involved in those hostilities would lend Japan all practicable support in annexing southern Manchuria and acquiring Kiaochow, Russia reserving freedom of action in northern Manchuria; that subsequently by the intermediation of Great Britain it was arranged that in the event of European War Japan would participate with Great Britain and Russia in hostilities against Germany in the Pacific, receiving in compensation German rights in Kiaochow. To that end Japanese war vessels are already stationed within reach of Tsingtao and transports have been prepared in Japan for an expeditionary force to be landed at Haichow, Kiangsu, and to invest Tsingtao pending the arrival of the Australian naval force.
