File No. 763.72111/1234
The Minister in Roumania, Servia, and Bulgaria (Vopicka) to the Secretary of State
Bucharest, November 30, 1914.
[Received December 22.]
Roumanian Series]
No. 163]
Sir: I have the honor to report that the political situation of Roumania has undergone no change since my last report on this matter.
[Page 155]Roumania would like to obtain territorial expansion at the expense of Austro-Hungary, but there are many sympathizers here with Austria and Germany, amongst them the present King and several leaders of the Conservative Party and others, who are opposed to any action against Austria and Germany. Furthermore, Roumania is short of ammunition and is therefore unable to go to war. For this reason, a commission has been sent to the United States to obtain ammunition and medicaments, as per my recent telegrams. The feeling of all classes of the people here is that Roumania should obtain Transylvania from Austria, where about 4,000,000 Roumanians live; but the Government is afraid that if it should go to war, Bulgaria would attack Roumania. The Roumanian Government is therefore trying to make some kind of an arrangement with Bulgaria, but so far nothing has been done. I have, however, no doubt that, before Roumania takes part in the war, an agreement with Bulgaria will be arrived at.
I have [etc.]