File No. 763.72/1285

The Ambassador in Turkey (Morgenthau) to the Secretary of State


89. Your 64 received.1 Mailed on November 162 translation of fetvas and declaration of holy war in which Sultan blamed Russian fleet for opening attack on Turkish fleet while maneuvering, and subsequently the English and French severed their diplomatic relations by recalling their ambassadors and that as result of these acts Turkey was obliged to take up arms to defend her legal interests and to ally herself with Austria and Germany; that the Russian Government has caused many territorial losses to Turkey in the last three centuries and has frequently sought to destroy by war and wanton devices every force which could increase Turkey’s national power; that they undertake this great war to terminate attacks directed against the Caliphate and the other rights of this Empire; appeals to masses through the medium of their energies and sacrifices in this holy war, and like lions to attack enemy because on victory depends life [of] 300,000,000 Mohammedans; appeals to soldiers stating that the duty they assume is unique, that the hearts of 300,000,000 Moslems praying to God are with them; that they must show that they are descendants of Turkish Army which once made the world tremble so that enemies of Mohammedanism and beloved fatherland dare not foul their sacred soil and disturb tranquillity of the sacred ground which holds Kaaba of God and the sacred tomb of the Prophet; exhorts soldiers scorn death for their Caliph and the defense of their religion, country, and military honor; that government, right, and justice are with them and Englishmen [enmity] and oppression are on the side of enemies. There is therefore no doubt that the protection of God and aid of the Prophet are with Turks; that Turkey will come out of this holy war a state strong and glorious, having recovered from her losses of the great past; reminding Turkish soldiers that they are the allied armies of the two most courageous and strongest armies in the world.

At the same time fetvas were published showing that all Moslems should fight against enemies of Islam and that it is a great sin for Moslem subjects of Great Britain, Russia, and France to fight against Germany and Austria-Hungary, the allies of the Caliphate. Paradoxically it was feared that Moslem masses, kindled by fanatical zeal of holy war, might fail to distinguish between Christian subjects of Great Britain, France, and Russia and Christian subjects of other nations; therefore, in order to show that the holy war is directed only against those who have attacked the Caliphate, that [Page 143] the subjects of the friendly powers should enjoy reciprocal good treatment, a proclamation was issued by the Sheik ul Islam and laws of ulemas in council insisting further on necessity of holy war but stating that it had directed against Russia, France, Great Britain and their allies Imperial irade dated November 23. Orders publication of this proclamation to whole Moslem world, this [in] view of [apparent omission].

The incongruity of the Turkish position is evidenced by their being allied with Christians and having thousands of Armenian and Greek Christians in their army.

Have been extremely cautious to make no statement or do anything through which my absolute neutrality thoroughly recognized by everybody here could be questioned. The powers of the Government are at present almost entirely exercised by the Minister of the Interior and Minister of War and, fortunately, I have considerable influence with them and am using it to secure from them proper and moderate treatment of all non-Moslems.

American Ambassador
  1. Ante, p. 134.
  2. Enclosures of November 16 not printed.