File No. 763.72111/919

The Minister in Portugal (Birch) to the Secretary of State

No. 53]

Sir: Referring to my despatch No. 50, dated the 2d instant, I have the honor to inform the Department that the attitude of Portugal as regards the European War remains unchanged. While it had been privately stated to me last week by the Portuguese Minister for Foreign Affairs that the House of Deputies would be convened in extra session on Monday, the 2d instant, the meeting, nevertheless did not take place. It appears that the primary object of the proposed convening on that date was to consider the report of the Portuguese commission which had recently been to England to confer with governmental and military authorities relative to the proposed participation of Portugal in the European conflict. This commission, however, did not reach Lisbon, but for some unknown reason after arriving at Bordeaux returned again to England where it still remains. The public press here states that the convoking of the House of Deputies has been postponed pending the arrival and report of the Portuguese commission.

I have [etc.]

Thomas H. Birch