File No. 763.72119/29
The Acting Secretary of State to American Diplomatic Officers in the Belligerent Countries
Washington, October 13, 1914.
[Circular telegram]
Governing board of Pan American Union, consisting of the representatives of all nations of America, at special meeting held on October 7, 1914, on motion of Chilean Minister on behalf of his Government, resolved to convey by cable to the belligerent countries of Europe, through the Secretary of State of United States as chairman of board, following resolution, unanimously adopted by board:
In view of the awful strife now devastating continental Europe and arousing universal sympathy, while profoundly disturbing the industrial and commercial interests of the world, the governing board of the Pan American [Page 119] Union hereby resolves to convey to the Governments of the belligerent countries an earnest expression of its hope for peace, as a tribute to the sentiments of fraternity which have inspired the meeting of the Pan-American conferences.
Communicate foregoing to Government to which you are accredited.