File No. 711.0012/532t
The Secretary of State to the German Ambassador (Bernstorff)
Washington, September 29, 1914.
We have now signed twenty-six treaties providing for investigation in all cases. These include treaties with Great Britain, France, and Spain, which have just been ratified without opposition. Treaties are being prepared with Russia, Sweden, and Greece. Your country and Austria have already approved of the principle. It would [Page 9] make our joy complete if your Government and Austria would enter into treaties similar to those already signed. We shall be pleased to consider any changes your Government may desire to make in matter of detail.
Aside from our desire to have your country included among those to whom we are joined by these treaties I would be personally much gratified to have my name linked with yours in such an agreement.
Will you not please bring the matter to attention of your Government and use your great influence to secure their consent to such a treaty?