File No. 763.72/1188

The Ambassador in Turkey (Morgenthan) to the Secretary of State2


Had conference yesterday with German Ambassador, who is being constantly consulted by Turkish officials and controls German-Turkish Army officers, and obtained promise of his hearty cooperation of plan to have Turkish officials grant free departure to English and French as long as Turkish towns are not bombarded. As this morning French and English were again prevented departing by train, I telephoned Minister of War who thereafter called at Embassy and stated that this morning’s trouble was due to misunderstanding of order which required all travelers to register at police station twenty-four hours before leaving. Minister of War assured me that Turkish Government wish to conduct their war with greater consideration to non-combatants than any other nation but if England or Greece attack any more unfortified towns the Turks’ only possible reprisal is to detain all English and French subjects as they cannot send soldiers or ships to these countries. And as to Smyrna which [Page 781] is a fortified town but whose property is largely owned by foreigners, he is willing to reach some special arrangement. It would be most advisable to communicate this to English and French authorities. Americans are absolutely safe and have not been molested in the least. All leading Turkish officials are complying with my demands on behalf of our new protégés. They have so far released four English prisoners at my request.

American Ambassador
  1. Repeated to the Ambassador in France November 10, No. 256, with instructions to repeat to the Ambassador in Great Britain.