File No. 763.72115/10

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Page) to the Secretary of State


403. I have just received the following cipher telegram from Gerard at Berlin:

Please inform British Government that I advise them to allow no Germans to leave England or any British Dominions until I obtain leave British subjects to leave Germany.

This seems to me too important a subject to act on without explicit instructions from our Government. I hold awaiting instructions.

American Ambassador

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Page)


Your 403. Department deems it inadvisable to comply with suggestion of Ambassador Gerard as such compliance would be inconsistent with neutral attitude assumed by this Government. Department has cabled Ambassador Gerard.


The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Gerard)


Department is informed by Ambassador at London that he has received following telegram from you.

Please inform British Government that I advise them to allow no Germans to leave England or any British Dominions until I obtain leave British subjects to leave Germany.

Department is of the opinion that such an exchange of communications should not be made through the good offices of the United States.
