File No. 763.72111/1336

The Ecuadorian Minister (Córdova) to the Secretary of State


Mr. Secretary: Referring again, and perhaps for the last time, to the papers which the Ambassadors of Great Britain and France saw fit to file in the Department of State of the United States, and of which your excellency deigned to give me an account in your favor of the 8th instant,1 it becomes my duty to inform your excellency:

That the Minister of Foreign Relations of Ecuador has cabled me that the commission which was sent to the Colon Archipelago (Galápagos) has returned and reported that no violation or neutrality was committed on the said Ecuadorian islands.

So we have reached the following final conclusions:

Ecuador has neither permitted nor witnessed any violation of neutrality within its territory.
Therefore the charges directly or indirectly brought against Ecuador on that score have been found to be groundless, as my Government through its chancelleries averred from the moment the thing was made public.

I renew [etc.]

G. L. Córdova
  1. Ante, p. 695.