File No. 763.72111/855

The Minister in Uruguay (Grevstad) to the Secretary of State

No. 761]

Sir: Referring to despatch No. 757 of October 26, 1914, relating to secret installations for wireless telegraphy recently discovered in the River Plate, I have the honor to forward in duplicate copy, with translation, of an Executive decree of October 20 by which it is forbidden to establish without permission granted by the Executive private radiographic installations in Uruguay either on land or on Uruguayan vessels; which forbids vessels to use their apparatus for wireless telegraphy within the territorial or jurisdictional waters of Uruguay, except as provided in the dispositions adopted by the national authorities; and which contains rules and regulations to be observed by private corporations or persons who may desire to establish and operate stations for wireless telegraphy in this Republic.1

I have [etc.]

Nicolay A. Grevstad
  1. Not printed.