File No. 763.72119/7

The Ambassador in France (Herrick) to the Secretary of State


Referring to your August 5, 11 a.m.1 Following is translation of reply to President’s message which I delivered personally to-day to the President of the Republic:

In reply to the message which you have kindly charged the eminent Ambassador of the United States to convey to me on your behalf, I am happy, Mr. President, that the present circumstances give a new proof of that love of peace with which France is ever inspired. For its preservation, the Government has made every sacrifice compatible with its dignity and its honor. Notwithstanding repeated provocations and numerous violations of territory, it has refused to be the aggressor. It was attacked at the same time that the territory of neutral powers was being violated.

I highly appreciate the thought, which in this instance as in others, has inspired the head of the great American Republic. You may be certain that the French Government and people will see in this act a new evidence of the interest you bear in the destiny of France.

  1. See footnote, ante, p. 42.