File No. 763.72111/383

The Italian Chargé d’Affaires (Borghetti) to the Secretary of State


No. 1426]

Mr. Secretary of State: With reference to your excellency’s note dated August 17 last,2 I have the honor to quote hereinbelow the text of the provisions contained in Article 2 of the Royal decree of August 6, 1914, in respect to the limits of Italian territorial waters in bays, bights, and gulfs, for the purposes of neutrality:

Article 2. In bays, bights, and gulfs, territorial waters, for the purposes set forth in the foregoing article, lie within a straight outward line tangent to two circumferences with a six-mile radius and having their centers at the extreme points of the opening of the bay, bight, or gulf; provided the distance between the said points does not exceed 20 nautical miles (37,040 meters).

If the distance between the extreme points of the opening exceeds 20 nautical miles, the territorial waters lie within a straight line drawn between the two outermost points of the bay, bight, or gulf separated by a distance of at least 20 nautical miles.

Accept [etc.]

R. Borghetti
  1. Not printed.