File No. 763.72111/3010
The British Ambassador ( Spring Rice) to the Counselor for the Department of State
Washington, January 9, 1915.
[Received January 12.]
My dear Mr. Lansing: Immediately on the receipt of your personal and confidential letter of the 22d ultimo, I telegraphed to Sir E. Grey conveying to him the information received by you from the Navy Department as to the “hovering” of British men-of-war outside New York Harbour, and also your friendly warning as to the possibility that this practice, if continued, might require some action on the part of the United States Government which you hoped to avoid. I am now in receipt of a reply from Sir E. Grey, stating that instructions have been given to the British Admiral that the ships in question must not approach to the Ambrose Lightship nearer than a distance of six miles. In expressing the hope that this information may be satisfactory, I take this opportunity to thank you sincerely for your considerate action in giving me private warning of a possible complication which it is eminently desirable to avert.
I am [etc.]