File No. 738.3915/110.]
The Division of Latin-American Affairs of the Department of State to the Acting Secretary of State.
Washington, April 27, 1912.
[Memorandum of the first meeting of the plenipotentiaries.]
Dear Mr. Wilson: In pursuance of the appointment made yesterday by the Secretary for the meeting of the Dominican and Haitian Ministers, and for negotiations regarding the boundary dispute, Messrs Menos and Peynado met the Secretary this morning at ten o’clock.
The Secretary, after referring to his recent visit to both countries and to the generous hospitality there enjoyed by him, pointed out the ideal location of these two Republics on what is regarded as the richest of the West India islands, close to a market, and beyond any real exterior peril; the desirability of their maintaining cordial relations with one another, and of the primary necessity, therefore, of settling all controversy regarding their boundary; that, this source of annoyance being removed, it would probably be possible for both countries to materially reduce their military establishments to what may merely be necessary for policing the countries. The Secretary further stated that he regarded these negotiations as of the utmost importance, and sincerely hoped that a speedy adjustment of the matter might be reached which would be both honorable and satisfactory to all parties.
The Secretary thereupon withdrew, and Messrs. Menos and Peynado exchanged their full powers, each reading the authorization of the other without comment. They thereupon adjourned the meeting until Tuesday at 10:30 a.m., when they will come prepared to exchange copies of their respective full powers and to proceed with the negotiations.