File No. 738.3915/100.]

The American Minister to Haiti to the Secretary of State.


I personally presented the Department’s March 18th to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and subsequently to the President of Haiti, both of whom reiterate that their Government is assisting the Dominican Government in every possible way; they both allege that the Dominican Minister here personally acknowledges that the Haitian Government is aiding the present Dominican Government. The Dominican Minister, however, denies that he ever expressed himself satisfied with the Haitian Government’s attitude, and declares that the Haitian Government is aiding the revolutionists. He asked me to test the good faith of the Haitian Government by requesting the immediate expulsion from Haiti of Vásquez, Rodríguez, Limardo, and others, and I agree to submit this proposition to the Department. I am unable to say which side is telling the truth.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs tells me he will send by the first mail to the Haitian Minister at Washington powers identic with those held by the Dominican representative. The Haitian Government should not be reproached for not having thus far supplied such powers, because by my December 221 and March 5 I requested the Department to indicate what was desired and stated that the Haitian Government was willing to comply with such indications.
