File No. 837.6112/7.
The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
Habana, July 25, 1912.
Sir: Referring to previous correspondence in regard to the Ciénaga de Zapata concession, I have the honor to report that a bill was yesterday presented in the Senate with a view to preventing the further granting of State lands such as swamps, lakes, and other common property; the bill was referred to the Committee on Codes for report.
This measure is intended as a tardy remedy for the concession of the Zapata swamp.
Under the provisions of the bill, when lakes, swamps, and other property, whether the property of the State or of private individuals, should be declared a menace to public health by the Department of Sanitation, the necessary drainage and other sanitary work should be done by the State, the cost to be assessed against the property; in no case should grants of this character be made to any individual or corporation except by authority of Congress.
I have [etc.]