File No. 837.6112/5.
The American Minister to the Secretary of State.
Habana, July 22, 1912.
Sir: Referring to previous correspondence in regard to the Zapata Swamp Concession, and particularly to my telegram of July 19, and [Page 314] the Department’s reply of July 20, I have the honor to enclose herewith, in copy and translation, the text of President Gómez’s note to me dated July 191 and copy of my reply, dated July 20, sent in obedience to the Department’s instruction. I had already sent to the Department, with my despatch No. 343 of July 18, a copy and translation of my first note to President Gómez on this subject.
I have [etc.]
- Identical with text contained in the Minister’s telegram of July 19, above.↩