File No. 419.11 D 29/2.
Panama, July 9, 1912.
Affidavits regarding assault by police tend strongly to prove that all the Americans were unarmed, although somewhat disorderly and [Page 1251] intoxicated; that suddenly a policeman fired on them, the Americans replying with stones; that a large body of police appeared a little later and began at once to fire, whereupon the Americans fled without making resistance, taking refuge in houses, pursued by the police who were continuously firing.
Ralph W. Davis was killed, transfixed by a bayonet while seeking a hiding place.
Some who surrendered to the police were beaten and wounded after surrender.
American casualties one, nineteen wounded, two seriously.
From statements thus far received, the conduct of the police was so outrageous that I recommend that the Government be requested to suspend Chief of Police Quijano and Inspector General of Police de la Ossa. They were apparently not present during the firing, but are responsible for the personnel and consequent dangerous character of the force.