File No. 033.1100 K77.

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ministers of Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama; the Minister of Costa Rica in Chargé of the Legation of Salvador; and the Minister of Venezuela.

My Dear Mr. Minister: Impressed with the importance of the relations between the United States and the Republics of Central America and the Caribbean Sea, happily so friendly and grown closer and more intimate with the approach of the opening of the Panama Canal, from which are hoped so many mutual benefits to our countries, the President has directed the Secretary of State to visit the capitals of the Republics referred to, stopping also at the capitals of Venezuela and Panama, and probably visiting Mexico and Colombia as well.

The final decision of the President was made so shortly before the departure of Mr. Knox for Florida that it was not possible to give you early private information of this plan, and even now I must reserve for a later communication the pleasure of informing you of the precise date of the visit of the Secretary of State to [name of country].

Before his departure Mr. Knox asked me to assure you of the great pleasure with which he looks forward to visiting your country1 and personally knowing those at the head of its Government, and to [Page 1241] signalizing in that way the particular importance attached by the President to those relations of the most cordial amity which it is the aim of the United States to cultivate with [name of country].

I am [etc.]

Huntington Wilson.
  1. To the representative of Salvador: “Salvador” in place of “your country.”