File No. 819.77/80.
The American Chargé d’Affaires to the Secretary of State.
Panama, October 10, 1911.
Sir: I have the honor to report that the special session of the Assembly adjourned October 9.
Two bills concerning the Panamá-David railway were passed by the Assembly and are now before the President for signature or [Page 1188] veto. I inclose a copy and translation of the bill relating to my telegram of October 9, 11 a.m., sent in belief that if the American Government was opposed to the use of the six million dollars on deposit in New York, toward the construction of the Panamá-David railway, an instruction from the Department would enable me, almost certainly, to insure the President’s vetoing that bill and stopping the measure in its initial stage.
As this law effects a change in the Constitution, it must, if signed by the President, be reconsidered by the next regular session of the National Assembly: vide Article 137 of the Constitution.
If the other bill—which relates to the matter of final surveys, estimates, etc., upon the Panamá-David railway—shall be signed by the President and become a law, I will at once send a translation to the Department and will also notify the Department if this bill, the copy of which is inclosed, shall be signed.
I have [etc.]