File No. 817.00/2064.

The Minister of Nicaragua to the Secretary of State.


Sir: My Government has charged me with the honorable but deplorable duty of presenting to your excellency its most lively sympathy on the occasion of the killing of four and the wounding of six American marines, in the fulfillment of the task which the Government of your excellency imposed upon them, in Nicaragua, yesterday.

[Page 1056]

The debt of gratitude which my country has contracted toward your Government and the American people is of those that can never be adequately discharged.

The Government of Nicaragua has ordered all the funeral honors possible at this time for the American victims; and prays the Eternal that that may be the last generous blood which may be shed on American soil, and that from it may germinate throughout the Continent the welfare and the peace and the holy ideals which have formed that great nation.

I beg your excellency to make known the expressions and demonstrations of profound sympathy, condolence and gratefulness of my Government to His Excellency the President.

I beg [etc.]

Salvador Castrillo.