File No. 412.11/2.
The Secretary of State to the American Ambassador.
Washington, June 16, 1911.
Sir: The Department has received your No. 557 [537?]1 of May 10, and No. 581 of May 23, 1911, and approves your action in advising American citizens that their claims filed with the Embassy for indemnity for losses caused by the revolution in Mexico will be given consideration at such time as the matter of the adjustment of claims is taken up. In this connection fifty copies of the Department’s circular relative to claims against foreign governments2 are sent in the pouch with this.
You will transmit copies of this circular to the persons who have filed claims with the Embassy, calling their attention to the importance of conforming as nearly as possible to the rules of this circular in the preparation of their papers, and advising them to strengthen their claims in any way in which in their judgment this may be done. To any other persons communicating to the Embassy their desire to file claims you will transmit copies of the circular and inform each claimant that on receipt of a claim prepared in accordance with the circular the matter will receive careful attention by this Department. You will retain in the Embassy one copy of each of the claims so prepared and transmit the other two copies to the Department.
I am [etc.],