File No. 412.00/1.
The American Ambassador to the Secretary of State.
Mexico, June 15, 1911.
Sir: I have the honor to inform the Department that the Sub-Secretary for Foreign Affairs called upon me yesterday and informed me of the appointment by the Mexican Government of a Court of Claims to deal with the claims for damages to life and property growing out of the late revolution. The personnel of the Court is as follows: Lie. José Diego Fernández, Lic. Pedro Lascurain, Ing. A. Roblez Domínguez, Gen. J. Gonzáles Salas, Gen. S. García Cuellar.
There is not much comment to be made upon this personnel further than to say that it is about evenly made up of revolutionary and Government men. Mr. Fernández and Mr. Lascurain are considered to be lawyers of ability; Mr. Roblez Domínguez has been in Chargé of the revolutionary forces in this part of the country and has acquitted himself well; General Cuellar will be remembered as having been Chief of Staff of President Díaz, the leader of the Federal forces at the battle of Casas Grandes, and lately for a short time Governor of the Federal District; concerning General Salas I have practically no information.
[Page 931]The procedure to be adopted by the Court, its powers, and the time, during which it will sit have not as yet been decided. I hope, however, to have additional information on these points at some time in the near future, when I will at once transmit it to the Department.
I have [etc.]